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IWB Horus Holster

IWB Horus Holster

Regular price $78.00
Regular price $90.00 Sale price $78.00
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IWB Horus Holster

Every situation is different and may require inside the waistband carry. GRAB Bags is dedicated to ensure all of our loyal customers are covered in every scenario. We believe in having the best of the best products when your life is on the line, and have taken the liberty of installing upgraded parts to this holster.

The two main upgraded features include an aluminum Monoblock clip and the UltiClip Tuckwing. These two features alone make this holster superior by keeping your holster from moving around your waistband, and keeping the grip of your firearm tucked close to your body. This means you can do most physical activities without having to worry about your firearm changing positions or printing on your shirt.

  Add a Neomag Hook and Loop panel to your IWB Horus Holster order to save $5.  

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